Center for Contemporary Arts Prague 2006–2024
A documentary photographer. His themes come from Northern Bohemia, where the artist hails from: heavy industry, devastated nature, brown coal mining, and villages destroyed by the mining. He also creates mini-pictures for films shot in the area. He most often works in black-and-white photography.
1986 high school degree
(High Industrial School in Most)
2003 winner of the Czech Press Photo Award
Libkovice: Zdař Bůh, vydavatelství Divus, Praha, 1997.
Od břehů k horám. Antologie severočeských výtvarných umělců 1990 – 2000. Votobia, Olomouc, 2000.
Joe Sherman: GASP! Problematika ovzduší na Zemi. Shoemaker Hoard, USA, 2004.
O školara / Školáci. Vydavatel Ibra Ibrahimovič a Společnost Horymíra Zelenky, 2005.