About the project
Artlist — Center for Contemporary Arts Prague

Krištof Kintera

First Name
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Place of work
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About artist

Kristof Kintera belonged to the most distinctive personalities of the last generation from the very beginning of his studies. IT from 1996 is his first outstanding project. This ”pet” from painted laminate became Kintera`s inseparable companion, accompanying his master everywhere he came; when shopping, in the underground, etc. It featured most principles appearing in Kintera`s work up to now: an inventive object, drawing the author and the audience into another (a little bit weird) world. Kintera continues developing communication between his life and a fictitious person in his next work Plumbman (1995-1998). A complex piece of work includes action, corresponding documentation, separate objects but the whole installation, as well. It is the communicating of fine arts, performance and theatre settings that is quite in the character of Kintera`s independent work, and of actions and theatre performances of Jednotka/Unit, Kintera being a leading artist there. Having introduced a number of performances and happenings since 1992, Jednotka constitutes an open creative unit, activities of which gradually passed to visual and multi-media performances, verging on experimental theatre.


Appliances (1997-98) and Talkmen(1999) are no doubt among most outstanding works of the artist. Being perfectly shaped for easy manipulation, and looking splendidly and efficiently, they suffer from the only point – they are useless. They just use up energy. Nevertheless, their mimicries being perfect in a shop-window, they look very alluring, attracting attention with their high prices. It is a metaphorical resemblance of art, suggesting itself to us. Concerning Talkmen (1999), Kintera gets thought of the nature of art and life, and consumer society going the same way. Also following objects and installations deal with these topics, whether it is a moving shopping bag (I’am Sick of It All!, 2003), or an electric hand drill copulating with a vacuum cleaner (Conflict of interest, 2004), or a little boy beating his head against the wall (Revolution, 2005). All the Kintera`s works being technically elaborate, they can move, speak; can be smoking and sparkling. Not only is the author very scrupulous about their appearance, function and message, but also about their mechanism.

Author of the annotation
Pavlína Morganová




1992-1999 Academy of Fine Arts Prague

Michael Bielický, Milan Knížák, Aleš Veselý, Jiří Lindovský

2003 postgraduate studies at the Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten - Amsterdam



1995 Ohio State University, Columbus Ohio , USA

1997 Germinations X, Birmingham , England

2001 Willa Waldberta, Germany, Jana und Milan Jelinek Stiftung

2003 Rijksakademie Amsterdam, Netherland



2005 Prague Biennale II

1996 Honour prize of Soros centrum of Contemporary Art, Bratislava, Slovak Republic

1999,2001,2003 finalist of Jindřich Chalupecký Award

Member of art groups included in ARTLIST.


Solo exhibitions
Krištof Kintera: Výsledky analýzy, Městská knihovna, 2. patro, Praha (Prague)

Krištof Kintera: Větší problém než máš ty / A Bigger Problem Than Yours, Galerie Jiří Švestka, Biskupský dvůr, Praha

Lay Down and Shine, gallery Schleicher Lange, Paris, France
Holy Spirit Opened, Dům umění, Ostrava, Czech Rep.

Holy Spirit Opened, Galerie Brno, Brno, Czech Rep.
Believe it or not, Východočeská galerie, Pardubice, Czech Rep.
One or two or crowd, Dominik Art Project, Krakow, Poland
Miracle, Fundament Fundation, Tilburg, Netherland
Rituals, V.M. 21 arte contemporanea, Rome, Italy
Volta NY, New York, USA
It and bicycle, Prostějovské muzeum umění, Prostějov, Czech. Rep.

Problems on top of problems, Galerie Schleicher+Lange, Paris, France
The weather is changing, A.M. 180, Prague, Czech Republic

Revolution, Galeria Potocka, Krakow, Poland
Carry on as if Everything Was Alright”, Galerie Schleicher und Lange, Paris, France
I am sick of it all, Moravská galerie, Brno, Czech Rep.
Hrubý Domácí Produkt, Galerie Štenberk, Czech Rep.

Power-Play, Galerie Mázhaus, Pardubice, Czech Rep.

Super Natural Special Real, Jiří Švestka gallery, Prague, Czech Rep.
We´ve got the power!, One man show – art fair Brusel, Belgium

Můžeš mi ukázat svůj batoh / Can you show me what´ s in your bag?, Galerie Open, Bratislava, Slovak Republic
Soukromá revoluce/Privat Revolution, Galerie v Kapli, Bruntál, Czech Republic

Gallery 761, Ostrava
Are you all right? Czech center Munich, Germany
Are you all right?, La Chaufferie, Strasbourg, France
Painting is watching you, Šternberský palac, Národní galerie v Praze
It won´t be better!, Gallery Skuc, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Lepší už to nebude ! / It won´t be better!,Gallery Behémot, Czech Republic

Galerie Emila Filly, Ústí nad Labem

Mluviči / Talkmen, Gallery of the City of Prague,

Galerie U kamene, Cheb, Czech Republic

Plumbař, Galerie Ruce, Prague, Czech Republic

Plumbař, Galerie Mladých Brno, Gallery Mladých, Brno, Czech Republic

Galerie Ruce, Praha / Gallery Ruce, Prague, Czech Republic

Performances with Jednotka:
Vzkaz v lahvi / Message in the bottle
Sýpka / The Granary
Piknik / The Picnic
Věci / Things
Let / The Fly

Exploze / Explosion
Chůze / A Walk,
Bible / The Bible

Z houští / From the bush

An Argument

Živě / Live
Pan TV / Mr. TV
Prodejce umění / Art Dealer


Mluviči / Talkmen

Other projects – selection:
Jevištní návrh / stage design, Dejvické divadlo Praha

Vytvoření multimadiálního divadelního projektu Divné věci / designing multimedia theatre project “Strange things” of Jednotka/Unit
divadlo/ theatre Alfréd ve Dvoře – Prague and theatre festival Kolin 1998-9

Návrh a realizace preformance pouličního divadla / designing stage design and acting in theatre street performance “The Life of Fantasy” of Jednotka/Unit /performed in 1999-2000 Czech rep., Slovenia, Italy, Ukraine, Lithuania, Chroatia, Germany/, touring 1999-2002

Návrh a vytvoření interiéru internetové kavárny Café 9.net / designing and making Internet café interior for Café 9.net /www.nod.cz/

designing stage design and acting in theatre performance “Passanger” of
Jednotka/Unit /performed: Czech rep., Slovakia, Chroatia, Germany, more: www.jednotka.cz/
Group exhibitions not included in ARTLIST.
Výtvarné umění - výstava, Galerie Nová síň, Praha

Kartografie naděje: Příběhy sociální změny / Cartographies Of Hope: Change Narratives, DOX, Centrum současného umění / Centre for Contemporary Art, Praha (Prague)

Začátek století / The Beginning of the Century, Dům umění, Ostrava
Začátek století / The Beginning of the Century, Výstavní síň Masné krámy, Plzeň (Pilsen)

Láska je slepá, sex je jinde, Artinbox Gallery, Praha (Prague)
Velocypedia, Galerie Národní technické knihovny (Galerie NTK), Praha

re-do-re-think-re-play, Czech Centre New York (České centrum New York), New York (New York)

Entropa, Brusel (Bruxelles), Brusel (Bruxelles)
All creatures great and small, Zacheta National Gallery, Warsaw, Poland
Processing a Mirage, galerie Futura, Prague, Czech Repubic
After Velvet, Prague City Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic
Open 09, zámek Třebešice, Czech Republic
Mes Dalton, Centre d'Art Contemporain la Chapelle du Genêteil, Château-Gontier, France
New Aqusitions, Museum Ludvig, Budapest
Open Office, Aircraft gallery, Bratislava, Slovak Republic
Let Us Be US, Emil Fila Gallery, Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic
Třebešice VII., Karlin Studios, Praha
Domestic Appliance, Flowers East, London, U.K.
Don´t worry be curious, Casino Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Uprising, Raw Space Galleries, Sydney, Australia
Socha a objekt, Galerie Kressing, Bratislava, Slovakia
La Foule – 0-infinity, Espace D´art Contemporain La Tolerie, Clermont-Ferrand, France
Ad Absurdum, Marta Herford, Herford, Germany
Where is the mistake? - visuality vs. reality, Povážská galeria Žilina, Slovakia

Going, Staying, Kunstmuseum Bonn, Germany
Pay Attention please, 26 cc, Rome, Italy
Big Store, Temple Bar Gallery, Dublin, Ireland
Constellations Artissima 14, Torino, Italy
Czech Point, Arsenal Gallery, Poznaň, Poland
Socha a Objekt, Slovenská Národní Galerie, Bratislava, Slovakia

One million years, Palais de Tokyo, Paris, France
Shift, Galerie Grita Insam, Wienna, Austria
Volta 02, Basel, Switzerland
Tina B, Veletržní palác, Prague, Czech Rep.
Local Global, Mikkelin, Taidemuseo, Mikkeli, Finland
Art Rock, Rockeffeller Plaza, New York, USA
Odlet – Low Cost Generation, České centrum, Prague, Czech Rep.
Shadows of Humor, BWA Awangarda, Wroclaw, Poland
Ferne Nahe, Lilienfeld, Austria

Yes Yes Yes Yes – Difference and Repetition in Pictures of the Olbricht Collection, Leverkusen, Germany
Positioning, In the New Reality of Europe, The National Museum of Modern Art, Osaka, Hiroshima City Museum of Contemporarz Art, Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo, Japan
Czech Photography of the 20th Century, City Gallery Prague, CZ
Living Together, Odapark Venray, Netherland
Low tech, Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam, Netherland
Aller-Retour, Galerie Schleicher & Lange, Paris, France
Prague Biennale II, Praha, CZ

Insiders, Dům pánů z Kunštátu, Brno, Czech rep.
Open Studios, Rijskakademie van Beeldende Kunsten, Amsterdam, Netherland
Werre und co.“, galerie Rachel Haferkamp, Koln, Germany
Free entrance“, Bawag Fundation, Wien, Austria
Breakthrough, Grote Kerk, Den Haag, Netherland
Metro, Gallery Priestor, Bratislava, Slovakia
Eastern Alliance, Ort: Lichtturm, Berlin OberbaumCity, Germany
EU-positiy, Akademie der Kunste, Berlin, Germany
+ 5 Deiska, Amsterdam, Netherland
Ipermercati dell´arte“, Palazzo delle Papesse, Siena, Italy

Czechoslovakia, Bratislava, SK
Young salon, Zlín, CZ
Prague Biennale I, Veletržní palác, Prague, CZ
Survey, Galerie Futura, Praha, CZ
Aus Liebe – Zeitgenössische Kunst aus Prag, Remscheid, Germany
Finále, Laueráti ceny J. Chalupeckého, Futura, CZ
Open Studios, Rijksakadmie van Beeldende Kunsten, NL

Fair, Royal Collage of Art, London, UK
Insideout, Bunker, Actions gallery, Berlin, Germany
Corps et traces, Musee des beaux-arts Nancy, France

Slepená intimita / Patched Intimacy, Galerie Jelení, Praha
Borders 2001, Slavonski Brod, Chroatia
To Flow To, Galerie Chromosome, Berlin, Germany

Hnízda her / Nests of Games, Galerie Rudolfinum, Praha
Worthless (Invaluable), Museum of Modern Art Ljubljana, Slovenia
UberlebensKunst, Neuer Berliner Kunstwerein, Berlin, Germany
After the Wall, Budapest, Berlin
Konec světa? /The End of the World, Národní galerie v Praze, Palác Kinských
Bohemian Birds, Kunst Haus Dresden, Germany

Neplánovaná spojení / Unplanned Connections, Mánes, Praha
Close Encounters, Naarden, Comenius Museum, Holland
Midnight Walkers and City Sleepers, W-139, Amsterdamm, Holland
Plug in City, Salon 3, London, Great Britain
After the Wall, Moderna Museet, Stockholm, Sweden
99 CZ, Václavské nám. 15, Praha

Snížený rozpočet / Low Budget, Mánes, Praha
Czech Art in 90´s, Galerie hl. m. Prahy, Dům u Zlatého Prstenu, Praha
Manifesta II, Casino Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Germinations 10, Factory, Athens, Greece
Close Encounters, Narden, Holland

Quiet messeges, Budapest, Hungary
Umění ve veřejném prostoru / Artwork in Public Spaces, Veletržní palác,
Národní galerie v Praze
Podívaná / Show, Štátná galeria v Banské Bystrici , Slovak Republic
Towards the Object, Riverside studios, London, Great Britain

Exteriér vs. Interiér / Exterior versus Interior, Cosmos, Bratislava, Slovak
Bienále mladých Zvon 96 / Biennial of Young Artists II”, Dům U Kamenného
zvonu, Praha

Zkušební provoz / Test Run, Mánes, Praha
AVU / Academy of Fine Arts, Mánes, Praha

Nová jména / New Names, Galerie Václava Špály, Praha

AVU U Hybernů, Dům U Hybernů, Praha
Hermit II, klášter Plasy / monastery Plasy, Plzeň, Czech Republic
Performance s Jednotkou / Unit - Performances with Jednotka / Unit
National gallery Prague, Prague City gallery, Rubell Family Art Collection - Miami, Fogg Art Museum, Boston, Galerie Behémot, Museum der Moderne -Salzburg, Jerry I. Speyer, New York, Thomas Olbricht, Thomas Newbold, Europaisches Patentamt - Munchen and other private collections
Other realisations

Performances with the Unit:

2002 “Talkmen”

2000 "Ikebana"

1998 "Live”

"Mr. TV"

"Art Dealer"

1997 "An Argument"

1996 "From the bush”

1994 "Explosion"


"A Walk",

"The Bible",

1993 "Message in the bottle"

"The Granary”

"The Picnic"


"The Fly"


Other Projects:


2007 Curating group exhibition: “Gross Domestic Product” at Prague City Gallery

Designing media campaign and interior design for Prague Quadrennial 2007

2005 Designing promo boot for Prague Quadrennial 2007

2 sculptures for National Museum, exhibition Golden Age of Media

creating media campaign and Tv spot for “One World” – international documentary film festival

2004 working as graphic designer for several art institutuions like Goethe Institut Prague, Prague Quadriennale, Prague City Gallery etc.

2002 creating TV advert for National Theatre – Looks of Contemporary Drama

1999–01 founding venue and working as an artistic director in alternative multicultural space UNIVERSAL NOD in Prague, www.universalnod.cz

2001 designing stage design and acting in theatre performance “Passanger” of Jednotka/Unit /performed: Czech rep., Slovakia, Chroatia, Germany, more: www.jednotka.cz

1999 designing stage design and acting in theatre street performance “The Life of Fantasy” of Jednotka/Unit /performed in 1999-2000 Czech rep., Slovenia, Italy, Ukraine, Lithuania, Chroatia, Germany/, touring 1999-2002

2000 designing and making Internet café interior for Café 9.net

1998 designing multimedia theatre project “Strange things” of Jednotka/Unit /performed in theatre Alfred ve Dvore – Prague and theatre festival Kolin 1998-9/

1996 stage design in Dejvicke theatre – Prague




Marta Smolíková, “Interior vs. Exterior”, catalogue Interior vs. Exterior or On the Border of (possible) Wordls 1996

Jiří and Jana Ševčík, “Dispersed concentration”, catalogue Abstrakt/Real, Wien 1996

Teresa Bruthansová, “They live with us”, magazine Atelier, 1997

Anna Potocka, catalogue Germination X, 1998

Karolína Fabelová, “To a další věci” – interview, Umění a řemesla, 2/1998

Christoph Blase, “Luxemburger pluralismus”, Kunst-Bulletin, September 1998

Michal Koleček, Interview - “Revue Labyrint n.5-6 – kultura velkoměst”, September 1999

Radek Wohlmut, „Na počátku bylo slovo“, Lidové Noviny /Umění a kritika/ 21.11. 1999

Lenka Lindauerová, Magazine Artist, 2000

Karel Císař, catalogue Bohemian birds, Kunst – Haus, Dresden

Lev Nikolajevich Yednotkin, “White ware”, catalogue Abstrakt/Real, Triennale Kleinplastik Fellbach, 2001

Lenka Nejezchlebová, Lidové Noviny, magazín Pátek, leden 2001

Olga Malá, catalogue Corps et traces, 2002 editions Hazan, Paris

Karel Srp, Dějiny umění 12, 2002, Praha

Michal Nanoru, interwiew, Živel č.23, červen 2003 Praha

Amiel Grumberg, Beaux Arts-magazine, april 2004 issue, Paris

Jana Chytilová, interwiew, Tiime-in magazine, březen 2005, Prague

Sylvie Petráková, “Performance domácích spotřebičů”, Lidové noviny, 28.2.2005, Prague

Petr Šourek, „Kinterovi roboti ožili a mají se k světu, Respekt, březen 2005

Lenka Nejezchlebová, Lidové Noviny, magazín Pátek, 25.3. 2005

Flash Art, vol. 1, Czech and Slovak Edition, interview with Erik Binder

Time IN, květen 2007, interview with Marek Gregor

Art & Antiques, červen 2007, interview with Karolina Jirkalová

Magazin Tyden, 24/2007, interview with Karolina Vránková

MF Dnes, 11.08. 2007, interview with Vladimira Šumberová

Volker Adoplhs, catalogue “Going, staying”, Kunstumuseum Bonn, 2007


Center for Contemporary Arts Prague www.fcca.cz 2006–2024
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