About the project
Artlist — Center for Contemporary Arts Prague

Michal Novotný

First Name
Other names - aliases
Birth place
Place of work
CSU Library
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About artist

Michal Novotný is both painter and sculptor and it is difficult to say which comes first. He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts, specialising in several fields, and this experience provided him a sound training for his future career (he studied with Nepraš, Načeradský and Jiří David). He himself says that sometimes he paints “sculptural pictures” representing the sculptures he would like to create one day. At the same time, however, his pictures are a kind of “surreal” vision of what cannot be captured in the form of a sculpture. In his work both media complement each other.


Novotný’s pictures often take the form of puzzles (besides which the artist himself shrouds his work in secrecy merely by virtue of presenting it under the pseudonym MICL). They often portray common objects (boards, palms, melons, lemons, carrot, “grass”, cars, nuts and bolts, buckets, cows, swans ...), and the combination thereof might remind one of Lautréamont’s encounter between the “the sewing machine and an umbrella on the operating table”. This tendency to a kind of dreamlike atmosphere contains an element of almost Magritte-like surrealism, while also reminding us of the work of Milan Kunc, characterised by a pop-art and absurd combination of ordinary objects within the context of the contemporary world. Some of Novotný’s pictures represent phantasmagorical landscapes reminiscent of the fauna and scenery from the famous Hollywood sci-fi blockbuster Avatar (though they were painted several years previously), while others are more like a lunar landscape.


However, most characteristic of Novotný’s work are his “board paintings”: pieces of wooden construction float against the background of a blue sky, leading from some unknown place somewhere unknown (all the way to heaven perhaps?). In these paintings “boards are a morphological constant, a basic authority on which not only the composition of the image can be based, but the whole of human life. Boards here are not a fata morgana, but reality itself and the basis of life, natural authority and part of the artistic personality,” as Vlasta Čiháková-Noshiro says.


In the field of sculpture Michal Novotný is one of the few artists to struggle with classical statutory and the figure. Most artists, if they want their work to be seen as innovative, would rather avoid this sphere. Novotný is a sculptor for whom traditional materials like stone and wood are still important materials. “In terms of statues I prefer that magic where the sculpture resembles a soft, living being, while being created from some truly hard material.”


Novotný’s pictures often depict a vision of sculptures and his recent smaller sculptures made of resin (which is faster to work with than stone, as he says) are again direct quotations of the heterogeneous, surreal schizophrenic beings from the pictures. Certain themes are intertwined. For instance, in the pictures one of the main motifs is a ladder going up into the sky. This is a symbol of the human desire to ascend, but also a symbol of Jacob’s ladder from the Bible, the linkage of two different worlds. And it is this theme which is embodied in three-dimensional form in what is Novotný’s most impressive sculpture to date, Those Ahead of Us, which is installed in a public place.


Author of the annotation
Ivona Raimanová



1990-1997 Academy of Fine Arts in Prague (J. Načeradský, K. Nepraš)

1983-1986 wood modelling, ČKD Blansko



1996 Ecole des Beaux Arts, Aix-en-Provence, France


Participation in symposiums:

2006 Cheb

2003 Třinec

2001 Františkovy Lázně

2000 Lázně Lúčky, Slovensko

1998 Brněnská přehrada, Brno

1996 Kaankanpaa, Finsko


Solo exhibitions
Avalon, Galerie české plastiky, Praha

Moře, Galerie Platinium, Brno
Eldorado , Galerie kritiků, Praha

Sen sochy, Francouzský institut, Praha
Různé obrazy a sochy, Galerie Jídelna, Česká Lípa
Atlanťan, Klicperovo divadlo, Hradec Králové

Táborák zvolna dohořívá, Muzeum Jílové u Prahy

Galeryje 9, Brno

Galerie Hvězda , Mariánské Lázně
Galerie Doubner, Praha

Galerie Tvrdohlaví, Praha

Galerie Doubner, Praha

Sochařská galerie, Hořice

Palác Akropolis, Praha
Dennsted Gallery, Vídeň

Galerie na Bidýlku, Brno
Francouzský Institut, Praha

Galerie AVU, Praha

Galerie mladých, Brno

Galerie Affa, Praha

Moravská Galerie Brno
Moldau Gallery, Stockholm
Group exhibitions not included in ARTLIST.
Art Safari 26, Sochařské studio Bubec, Praha

Vanitas vanitatum et omnia vanitas / Marnost nad marnost, všechno je marnost, Galerie Millennium, Praha
Originální perspektivy: Výběr ze současné české a slovenské tvorby umělců mladé a střední generace, Galerie U Bílého jednorožce, Klatovy

Víly, skřítkové a trpaslíci, Artinbox Gallery, Praha

Natvrdlí, Galerie Beseda, Ostrava
Sochařské studio Bubec 2000-2011 / The Bubec scupture Studio 2000-2001, Staroměstská radnice, sklepení, Praha
Houby, houbičky, atomové hřiby..., Artinbox Gallery, Praha
Natvrdlí, Galerie 21. století, Praha

Bláznivý barevný svět, Galerie Millennium, Praha
Art Safari 19, Sochařské studio Bubec, Praha

Načeradského jedenáctka, Galerie Dolmen, Praha
Art safari 17, Sochařské studio Bubec, Praha

Fauna a flora, Tampere, Finsko

Loď bláznů, Galerie kritiků, Praha
Typický obraz, Nová síň, Praha

Příští stanice Arkadie, GVU Roudnice nad Labem

Imprese, Galerie Rudolfinum , Praha

Socha v zahradě, Botanická zahrada UK, Praha
Čistá krása, Galerie kritiků, Praha

Bylo, nebylo, Galerie moderního umění, Hradec Králové

16,5 sochy, Galerie UMPRUM, Praha
private collections in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Italy, Germany, United States
Other realisations

Art in architecture:

2007 Opona, Národní dům , New York

2005 Ti před námi, Brandýs nad Orlicí

2004 Interiér kavárny Spirála, Brno

2000 Velká Stříbrná Krysa – Obchodní dům Olympia, Brno

1999 Interiéry 4 – patrové diskotéky Karlovy Lázně, Praha

1995 Nástěnný reliéf - reprezentační prostory Atomové elektrárny Dukovany



České ateliéry, Art CZ, v.o.s., Praha 2005, s. 410-415

Ivona Raimanová, V prostoru 2010, Generace 1989-2009, Spacium, Liberec 2009, s. 104-109

C&V Magazin 1, 2010, s.112-116


Center for Contemporary Arts Prague www.fcca.cz 2006–2024
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