About the project
Artlist — Center for Contemporary Arts Prague

Pavla Gajdošíková

First Name
Birth place
Place of work
CSU Library
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About artist

Pavla Gajdošíková, a graduate of the studio led by Vladimír Skrepl and Jiří Kovanda at the Prague Academy of Fine Arts, is an artist whose starting point can be found in the seemingly most traditional positions, i.e. in painting and drawing. However, the development of her work over recent years displays an interesting shift. A feature that foreshadows these changes is her interest in architecture as a socio-cultural phenomenon and a question of space and the perception thereof. As far back as her cycle of paintings of villas in the Baba colony from 2002 Gajdošíková was grappling with the question of the balance between the sensual and expressive values of painting and the rational geometric abstraction of the materials of functionalist architecture.


This problematic is taken up in a series of paintings from 2010 which depict the modernist architecture in her neighbourhood. Here too there is a tension arising from the contrast between the softness of the painter’s brush and the rational spatial compositions of architecture. These cycles reveal how important to the artist is the fundamental phenomenological question of the perception of architectonic forms around us. However, equally important is the internal space that comprises the interiors of homes and privacy. This is to be seen not only in her cycle of paintings Ve dvě v noci / At Two O’clock in the Morning (2008), but also in her drawings, which are a significant part of her oeuvre. The series of drawings I Am Staring at the Corner (2006–2010) captures moments from the artist’s immediate domestic surroundings through her own private perspective. Drawing, a delicate and intimate medium, becomes the conduit for an elegant, visually simplified approach to objects defining intimacy as the reality in question. From this cycle onwards we can follow a creative development in which drawing becomes a crucial tool for the artist balanced between the two-dimensional level of the paper and the spatial augmentation of architecture.


It was not long before she moved to an understanding of space outside herself, as we see in the animated video XYZ (2009), in which Gajdošíková linked drawing with a modular game with paper blocks. Soon after this the artist returned to her interest in the functionalist colony in a work called Baba (2010). The use of animated paper models, often combined with drawn collage and photographs of architecture, culminated in another animated video called 1147 Addresses (2010), again featuring the artist’s interest in the architecture of the neighbourhood where she lives in Podolí, Prague. This led logically to more recent works in which she uses paper models in installations. This might involve the illuminated kinetic installation Habitat (2011), or the installation 60 procent naší kriminality je vymyšleno gádži / 60 Percent of Our Criminality is Dreamt Up by Gadjos (2014), in which she indicated the socio-cultural level of the architecture of the Romany district of Předlic in Ústí nad labem in the form of “model-maker’s” mock-ups of architecture.


Another aspect of her personal perception of architectonic and urban space is to be seen in the video Ranní procházká / Early Morning Walk (2013), in which, similarly to her older work for the exhibition Poslední prostor pro člověka / Last Space for Man (2012), she combines the linear depiction of movement along a surface with the expressive possibilities of drawing. This combination of drawing with her interest in architectural space and both its personal and broader cultural links ensures for Pavla Gajdošíková an interesting individual creative position on the Czech art scene.

Author of the annotation
Viktor Čech




1999-2005 Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, Vladimír Skrepl, Veronika Bromová

1998-1999 PdF OU Ostrava, Vv / Vt ak. mal. Daniel Balabán

1994-1998 SŠUŘ Husova Brno, užitá malba ak. mal. Petr Veselý



2010 Egon Schiele Art Centrum Český Krumlov

2003 Australian National University in Canberra, Austrálie


Solo exhibitions
Zahrádka, Altán Klamovka, Praha

Home Office, Galerie Budoart, Praha (se Zbyňkem Sedleckým)

Habitat, Galerie ve sklepě, Praha
a b c, Galerie Kabinet, Brno

1147 adres, Galerie 35m2, Praha

X Y Z, Alternativa, Galerie Vysočiny, Jihlava

Ve dvě v noci, Galerie Entrance, Praha

Pitch Tales, Kavárna a Galerie Ouky Douky, Praha

Peep Show, Altán Klamovka, Praha (s Petrou Pětiletou)
Melbourne street–Crown-Ježura–Klokan–Pes–Emu-Voda -Přístav–Pohřeb,
Zlatá Praha, Praha
I am staring at the corner, Galerie Holec, www.galerieholec.cz

Pitch Tales, Kavárna a Galerie Ouky Douky, Praha

Pavla má svátek, GPS Art Gate, Praha

MišMaš, Spejsovna, Praha (s Ivetou Dučákovou)
Zákrok, Galerie Open Air Co 14, Praha (s Ivetou Dučákovou)
Pudlové a svině, Galerie Mladých, Brno

Clarity, Galerie Katakomby, Divadlo Husa na provázku, Brno
(s Ivetou Dučákovou)
Group exhibitions not included in ARTLIST.
Nulla Dies Sine Linea, Galerie Emilla Filly, Ůstí nad Labem

Videokemp, Břevnovský klášter, Prague
Leere Linien / Grenze Welten,  Fratres, A

Panel Story, Galerie Hlavního města Bratislavy, Bratislava, SK
Současná česká malba, Galerie NTK, praha
Poslední prostor pro člověka, Karlin Studios, Praha
Nezvaný host, Galerie Chodovská tvrz, Praha
Maloval Hlavolam, Nod, Roxi, Praha

Scooter III – 3rd Biennial of Young Art, Jan Koniarek Gallery Trnava,SK
Po Skú 3, Východoslovenská Galérie Košice, Sk

KAS IR “ČEHU” MĀKSLA?, Kultūras centrā “IĻĢUCIEMS”, Riga, Lotyšsko
On Altruismus, Bonner Kusverien, Německo
„736 KM“, CZ, PL, SK, HU, mobilní festivat
Videokemp, GASK, Kutná Hora
4 + 4 dny v pohybu, Začátkem může být i nula, Praha
Paf, Festival Animovaného filmu Olomouc, sekce Jiné Vize
Akce Z, Galerie Emila Filly, Ústí nad Labem

Normální malba, Galerie Mánes, Praha
Hlava, Karlin Studios, Praha
Ribba, Galerie u Dobrého Pastýře, Brno
Videokemp,Letenské sady, Praha

Prague Biennale III, Karlín Halls, Praha
Videokemp, Zámek Třebešice
Hrubý domáci produkt 2-M‘ARS Center for Contemporary Arts,Moskva,RU

Galerie Němeček, Kolín

Essl Award, Moderní galerie AVU, Praha
Diplomanti AVU, Veletržní Palác, Praha
CZ, SK, PL, Verbikus, Schaffhausen, Švýcarsko
září nezáří, Galerie Doubner, Praha

Internetová generace, Galerie Doubner, Praha

Twice, Stuttgart, Německo
InOut, Festival digitálního obrazu, Praha, Budapešt, Bratislava
Sratch, Austalian National Museum Canberra, Austrálie

Jojo Efekt, Dům umění České Budějovice

Éterem, Galerie AVU, Praha

Interpretace, Pražákův palác, Brno



Jan Zálešák: text k výstvavě X Y Z, 2009

Marie Haškovcová: X Y Z, ateliér, 2009

Lenka Vítková: Hlava, katalog k výstavě, 2009

Milan Salák: katalog sympozium Ústeckého kraje, 2009

Josef Ledvina: Hlava, Atelier, 10/09

Kateřina Tučková: katalog Normální malba, 2009

Tomáš Kůs: Normální malba je štětec a barva, Český rozhlas, 2009

Marie Haškovcová: Ve dvě v noci, Atelier, 20/08

Jiří Kovanda: text k výstavě Ve dvě v noci, 2008

Lenka Lindaurová: Pavla Gajdošíková, Art and Antique, 2008

Helena Kontová a Giancarlo Politi: Pavla Gajdošíková, katalog Prague Biennale III. 2007

Viktor Čech: text k výstavě Melbourne street–Crown-Ježura–Klokan–Pes–Emu-Voda -Přístav–Pohřeb, 2007

Markéta Bendová: Pětiletá, Petra – Pavla Gajdošíková, Peep Show, Ateliér, 2007

Jiří Kovanda: Absolventi AVU, 2005

Petr Vaňous: Double Look, Ex, 2005

L. Šimůnková: Mladá malířka, Staré Sudety: Ne druhý ale dvojitý pohled, Literární noviny, 2005

Osamu Okumara: Rozhovor, Éra, 2002


Center for Contemporary Arts Prague www.fcca.cz 2006–2024
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