2010 up to date
PhD - Historical sciences; Methodological seminar of Department of Czech History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague (CUNI)
PhD - Curating and theory of intermedia and design; Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague (AAAD)
MA Law and Law science; Law Faculty, Charles University in Prague
MA double major in History and Philosophy; Faculty of Arts,Charles University in Prague
Academic residencies:
Academy of fine arts Reykjavik, Iceland 2011 (1 month)
George Washington University, USA 2009 (1 semester)
Central European University, Hungary 2008 (1 semester)
Innovation of education at Photography Department; FAMU, 2016.
Cultural grants; The Capital city of Prague 2013.
Research stipend; AAAD 2012.
Intermedia brige Reykjavik - Prague; EEA Grants.
Research stipend; Liberal Arts Faculty CUNI 2011.
Research stipend; AAAD 2011.
Environmental pedagogy as integral part of education,EEA Norway Funds 2010.
Membership in scientific and artistic organizations:
Board of curators member, T.I.N.A. Prize
Member of editorial board, AIP Scholaris (ISSN 1805-613X)
Global leader award; Goldman Sachs 2006
Teaching experience (courses):
2016-till the date
Film and Television School, Academy of Performing Arts, assistant professor, Department of Photography
2015-till the date
Academy of Fine Arts, assistant professor, Department of Art Theory and History
2011-till the date
Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design Prague, pedagogue
Mentor of the International Student Studio (Very Anxious), Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design Prague
Law School, Charles University, pedagogue
Jan Ámos Komenský University, external pedagogue
Newton College, external pedagogue
Faculty of Arts, Charles University, pedagogue, Department of Information Studies, Department of Czech History, tutor on Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies
Other Experience:
External researcher, Zdeněk Vašíček project, Faculty of Humanities, CUNI 2014
External researcher, prevention of xenophobia project, The Institute of Study of Totalitarian Regimes (Czech Republic) 2013-2015
External researcher, project of interactive game Fates and Carriers, National museum (Czech Republic) 2013-2015
Curator-in-chief - gallery K4 2010-2014
Dramaturge-in-chief club K4 2009-2014
Partner and Executive Director - Orfeum s.r.o.
NGO sector - Iniciativa K4 o.s., Kuprospěchu o.s., S.o.s. Orfeus
Conferences organized:
Reinventing Horizons, Display, Praha 2016.
Zdeněk Vašíček conference, 2013.
Between east and west, how the art history has been written AAAD 2012.
Art history in the expanded field AAAD 2011.
Intimacy in contemporary independent art, projekt Intermediální most Reykjavik - Prague, Prague 2011.
Grant and cultural politics, projekt Intermediální most Reykjavik - Prague, Reykjavík 2011.
Papers presented on conferences, public lectures:
Janoščík, V. Speculative History and Objective Future. Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien (Transart) Vienna, 2017.
Janoščík, V. Young-girl, preliminary materials for a philosophy of presence. Plato, Ostrava 2017.
Janoščík, V. Diagramatics and philosophy. Donetsk Syndrome Diagrammatic, Tranzitdisplay, Praha 2017.
Janoščík, V. Image and object after internet, 1. výroční konference katedry fotografie famu, Praha 2016.
Janoščík, V. Art after Theory, Štechovy přednášky, AVU, Prague 2016.
Janoščík, V. Vectors & Visions & Circuits, Difraction lecture series, Comunication space Školská28, Prague 2016.
Janoščík, V. Return of the Object in Contemporary Art, FAMU, 2015.
Janoščík, V. Magic of Things, Kvalitář, Prague 2015.
Janoščík, V. Москва небо, Berlínskej model, Prague 2015.
Janoščík, V. The Art of Meeting, Sešlost, Železný Brod, 2015.
Janoščík, V. Image of Roma in Czech film, The Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes, Prague 2014.
Janoščík, V. Can the Roma speak in film? Subjectivity between fine arts and cinema, Masaryk University, Brno 2014.
Janoščík, V. To find a correct distance: Subject in art after 1950, Scholastika, Prague 2014.
Janoščík, V. Returns of modernity and returns of the image: art after conceptualism and internet, Masaryk University, Brno 2014.
Janoščík, V. Returns of modernity: critical theory in art / Collaborative turn: post-structuralism in art, Scholastika, Prague 2013.
Janoščík, V. Construing subjectivity methodological challenges of jurisprudence and art, Gesetze der Kunst, München 2013.
Janoščík, V. Alter ergos or Who is Dr. Kukuck?; Identities, fictions and law of Zdeněk Vašíček, Praha 2013.
Janoščík, V. The truth is out there, taking positive account of popular culture from Adorno, University of Prešov 2013.
Janoščík, V. Memories and visions of popular culture, MacGyver versus Rytmus; Changes of memory, visions of future; Fridrich-Ebert-Stiftung 2012.
Janoščík, V. Between past and present with Zdeněk Vašíček; Construction of the history of contemporary art; National Gallery Prague 2012.
Janoščík, V. Walk on periphery with Zdeněk Vašíček, Fluidum 1, Prague 2012.
Janoščík, V. Autonomy of an artist today; Cultural politics; Academy of fine arts Reykjavik 2011.
Janoščík, V. Derrida in work of Rosalind Krauss and Douglas Crimp; Consequences of conceptualism; Academ of Fine Arts Prague 2011.
Janoščík, V. Intimacy in contemporary art, view from Iceland; Intermedia bridge Reykjavik - Prague, Prague 2011.
Curated exhibitions (selection):
NEW WAVE, diploma thesis exhibition, Academy of Fine Arts, Prague. National Gallery
Ontology of Meeting. GAMU, Prague
Expectations: Reality Gap. Valentýna Janů. Jelení, Prague
Draw You Inside, GAMU, Praha
Na Vlnách TSF, INI gallery, Praha
Cities and Velocities, (Summer of Photography, BOZAR) De Markten, Brusel
House of Fashion, Hraničář, Ústí nad Labem; in cooperation with Deutsche Hygiene-Museum.
Côte (Isabelle Richner), Nod gallery, Prague
Expost, Famufest, Chemistry gallery, Prague
Disorder of Things, Kvalitář
Return of the Object (Marisa Olson), Kvalitář
Between document and monument, Drdova Gallery
Москва небо, Berlínskej model
Backlight, (Jaromír Novotný) Dům umění České Budějovice
After the End of Art, (Daniel Vlček, Levi Van Veluw) Drdova Gallery
Peripheral vision, Moscow International Biennale for Young Art
To beat or not to beat (Byt či nebyt), GAVU Academy of Fine Arts
Fluidum 4 - ENDGAME, Gallery K4
There is nothing, Jan Lesák, Gallery K4
Fluidum 3 - On periphery, Gallery K4
Marnage, Anna-Claire Barriga, Gallery K4
Fluidum 2 - Interbridge Reykajvík-Prague, Gallery K4 2011, Kaffistofan, Reykjavík
RodchenkoFest, Gallery K4
Evocation, Huang Luying, Gallery K4
Fluidum 1 - 53 hours, 1179 m³ of Art., Gallery K4
Philosophy in the Arts, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Charles University
Publication, monographs:
Janoščík, V. Turn to the Subject, the Problem of Art between Modernism and Poststrukturalism (Obrat k subjektu, problém umění mezi modernou a poststrukturalismem). Karolinum. (planned to be published in 2018)
Publication, collective monographs:
Janoščík, V., Breitling, D., Bohal, V. (eds) Reinventing Horizons, Display, 2016.
Janoščík, V. (ed) Objekt, Kvalitář, 2015.
Janoščík, V., Brabec, J., Horský, J. (eds) Z přirozené potřeby kritického ducha, Sborník k nedožitým 80. Zdeňka Vašíčka., Triáda Faculty of Humanities CUNI, 2016.
Buddeus, H., Dufková M., Janoščík, V., Lomová, J. (eds). Ad Akta II. KDUE/VŠUP 2008/2011, AAAD 2013.
Buddeus, H., Dufková M., Janoščík, V., Lomová, J. (eds). Ad Akta I., Art history in the expanded field, AAAD 2012.
Publication, chapters in monographs:
Janoščík, V. Postdetective Realism. In: Bohal, V., Breitling, D. (eds.) Allegoritms. Literaria Pragensia, 2017.
Janoščík, V. Úvod. in: Janoščík, V. (ed) Objekt, Kvalitář, 2015.
Janoščík, V. Vašíčkova metafilosofie: od problému jazyka k subjektu, in: Janoščík, V., Brabec, J., Horský, J. (ed) ) Z přirozené potřeby kritického ducha,Sborník k nedožitým 80. Zdeňka Vašíčka. Faculty of Humanities CUNI, 2016.
Janoščík, V. Kdo je Dr. Kukuck? Alter erga, já a člověk v myšlení Zdeňka Vašíčka, in: Janoščík, V., Brabec, J., Horský, J. (eds) Z přirozené potřeby kritického ducha,Sborník k nedožitým 80. Zdeňka Vašíčka. Faculty of Humanities CUNI, 2016.
Janoščík, V. Subjektivita a objektivita v historii, in: Historie, teorie, kritika; Fakulta Humanitiních studií UK (v redakčním řízení).