Photographer, pedagogue, curator of exhibition, and art journalist. He works as an educator at the Institute for Creative Photography (Insititut tvůrčí fotografie) at the FPF of Silesian University in Opava. He also works as documenter and curator at the Museum and Gallery of the North Plzeň Area in Mariánská Týnice.
He has taken photos since 1978. In addition to his documentary-focused free works (the series – Život beze snů / Life without Dreams; Lidé / People; etc.) he also devotes his time to commercial photography, mainly shots for advertisements and photos of architectural monuments for various publications. He is also active as a curator for the Museum and Gallery of the North Plzeň Area in Mariánská Týnice (i.e. those of Zdeněk Lhoták, Jiří Hanke, Olbram Zoubek, the Válová sisters, Věra Janoušková, et. al.). He also works as a photography critic and journalist, namely for the Plzeňský deník (Plzeň Daily), Ateliér, Imago, etc.
In his free work he at first focused on landscape motifs and still-lifes. Later he turned to minimalist composition with artistically impressive use of light and shadow (the series Prostory / Spaces, 1984-1986). Since the mid-1980s he has spent most of his time working on documentary photography (sociologically-focused collections on village life, the series Lidé z Porty / People from Porta; a series on religious celebrations; and a collection on the life of mentally-challenged children, Život beze snů / Life without Dreams, 1986-1987). The most well-known is his subjective documentary collection of black-and-white photos, Lidé / People (dating from 1989). The pictures were taken during his trips around the Czech Republic and through Central Europe. The pictures are often markedly decompositional. It is as if the artist intentionally did not focus the camera on that which was most important externally at the given moment. Rather he focused on that which was internally desirable for the photo’s expression. Shadow plays an important role in most of his photographs. In addition to this he continues his work on artistically-oriented photos (for example, the poetic series, Iluze / Illusion).
1989-1994 FAMU Praha, obor fotografie
1985-1988 Institut výtvarné fotografie Svazu českých fotografů Praha
Birgus, Vladimír: Václav Podestát. Katalog výstavy. Cheb, 1995.
Birgus, Vladimír: S andělem uprostřed davu. Katalog výstavy. Plzeň, 2000.
Birgus, Vladimír: Václav Podestát.Autorský medailon. Imago, Bratislava, 2004, č. 17, s. 18 – 23.
Birgus, Vladimír: Václav Podestát. Tvorba, 1991, č. 27, s. 12 – 13.
Birgus, Vladimír: Václav Podestát v Chebu a Opavě. Ateliér, 1995, č. 6, s.7.
Vilgus, Petr: Mezi černou a bílou. DIGIFOTO 2006, č. 6, s. 28 – 29.
Encyklopedie českých a slovenských fotografů, ASCO Praha, 1993.
Nová encyklopedie českého výtvarného umění, ACADEMIA, Praha, 1995.
Birgus, Vladimír – Vojtěchovský, Miroslav: Jistoty a hledání v české fotografii 90. let, KANT, Praha, 1996.
Almanach - výroční publikace - Příběh galerie 4, Cheb 1995.
Photographers encyclopaedia international, CD, 1997,Hermance, Neuchatel, Švýcarsko.
Tschechoslowakische Fotografie der Gegenwart. Museum Ludwig Köln, Braus, Heidelberg, 1990.
Birgus, Vladimír – Vojtěchovský, Miroslav: Česká fotografie 90. let, KANT, Praha, 1999.
Lendelová, Lucia - Pospěch, Tomáš - Rišlinková, Helena: Česká a slovenská fotografie osmdesátých a devadesátých let 20. století. Muzeum umění, Olomouc 2002.
KDO JE KDO, osobnosti české současnosti. Heslo v encyklopedii. Praha, 2002, (nové vydání 2005).