Like UM and NIKA galleries, 207 Gallery was closely associated with the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague. 207 Gallery was established in 2008 as a studio initiative directly at the Academy, tying up on work of the Studio of Intermedia Confrontation and aiming to “professionalize the approach to professions that are linked to gallery activities” (Petr Krátký in: Petr Krátký (ed.), Galerie 207, Prague 2018). Albeit not a student gallery in the sense that it would be set up solely by students, students to a large extent participated in its operation. And not only as exhibiting artists, but also as part of a production team led by a more experienced teacher/curator (see list of curators below). Thanks to this, the project functioned primarily as an educational platform. 207 Gallery discontinued its activities in 2020.
207 Gallery was founded in 2008 by Marek Meduna, a member of the group Rafani and at that time also a lecturer at the Studio of Intermedia Confrontation (substituting for Jiří David who was on sabbatical), together with the Studio’s Assistant Professor, Milan Salák. The 3 x 4 m exhibition space was located in the corner of the Atelier of Intermedia Confrontation in room no. 207, enclosed by temporary plasterboard walls. Unlike its sister galleries (UM and NIKA), 207 Gallery never had a permanent location and was moved several times inside the building. Apart from its original location, it was also situated in the Painting Studio (307) and the Photography Studio (405), among other spaces. The initial concept of “two-hundred-and-seven” consisted of a rapid succession of presentations by external and established artists alternating with performances by students of the resident studio. Every Monday, a new exhibition was opened followed the next day by a discussion with the artist, introducing her or his work and creative methods. In the first year of the gallery operation the exhibiting guests included Vladimír Skrepl, Tomáš Hlavina, Alena Kotzmannová, Radim Labuda, Tomáš Vaněk, Martin Zet and Fraser Blockehurst.
During the twelve years of the gallery’s existence, the role of a curator has been continuously replaced by many personalities of contemporary visual culture, while a theoretical or curatorial background was not necessarily a prerequisite. In 2009 Marek Meduna and Milan Salák were replaced by another member of the Rafani art group: Luděk Rathouský. In 2011, Edith Jeřábková and Blanka Švédová, a curatorial duo of art historians and theoreticians, came in his place. Curator-artist and teacher Václav Magid took the gallery over in 2012. Following was Pavel Sterec in 2014, a former student of the Studio of Photography. Petr Krátký, a graduate of the Studio of Intermedia Confrontation, has been the last head of the gallery since 2015. Close collaboration with students in the operation of the gallery was a characteristic approach of all of the curators. The curator’s role was therefore closer to that of a lecturer who influences the project’s development. As a matter of fact, 207 Gallery became also accredited as a course for which students received credits.
Despite the wide range of media and approaches that 207 Gallery has been able to present during more than 200 exhibitions, its more specific focus can be derived mainly from the individual leading personalities and their terms as curators. Especially in recent years, for example, under the leadership of Petr Krátký, there has been a tendency to present younger artists and more experimental projects, while in the first years of its operation more established names appeared in the list of exhibitors.
The scope of the presented works mainly fell within the sphere of intermedia, predominantly having the form of site-specific installations. For instance, Eva Koťátková in her exhibition Pokoj 207 in 2011 worked with the gallery exhibition space as a metaphor for the isolated mental hospital room in Bethlehem, England. A year earlier, at the Zahrada exhibition, Yumiko Ono had moved a precisely measured gallery space to the garden of the Academy of Fine Arts, where she picked out all stones and then moved their casts back to the grounds of the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design. In the same year, Michal Kohút actually disassembled the whole 207 Gallery and made it disappear for a week.
Confrontation was an important and quite fundamental element for the gallery. The students’ direct encounters with more experienced artists and open discussion of their own and others’ work allowed the format of the Studio of Intermedia Confrontation to be transferred to the exhibition space and the students’ work to critically evolve even “outside” their studio. This model was then – as already mentioned – further developed in 2011 thanks to the establishment of a course called 207 Gallery, which was open not only to students of the aforementioned studio, but also students of the Department of Theory and History of Art. One of the integral parts of the course was writing peer reviews, in which students could again practice critical thinking and at the same time contribute to building the gallery’s archive.
In 2018, the VŠUP Publishing House published the catalogue of 207 Gallery to mark its tenth anniversary. Given the online form of most of the exhibition materials and records, it serves as an important document and provides an interesting excursion into the past of this project that ceased to exist on 31 December 2020 after an internal discussion at the Department of Liberal Arts and the decision to take the gallery in a different direction. In the future, however, the school plans to offer two new courses that will be loosely related to the activities of 207 Gallery.
2020 (ONLINE)
Kateřina Vincourová - Jsme tu všichni
Jan Pfeiffer - Něco víme, něco hledáme
Matěj Kos – Důsledek
Riccardo D’Avola-Corte, Jiří Procházka, Eulalie Polne – Can’t Forgive II
Sofie Tobiášová, Masha Kovtun – Ghost Orchid
Světlana Malinová, Matěj Martinec – The Unity of Monoculture
Vladimir Omutov – Stratum
Dante Daniel Hartl – Strach ze strachu
Tereza Velíková – Mimo pointu
Denis Baštuga a Anna Pašková - Rebirth IV. – BACTIHUB
Václav Kopecký - Untitled: Sky
EPOS 207
Jiří Procházka & Eulalie Polne - GIRL AND THE SUN
Štěpánka Šimlová - Mikropříběh
Jakub Ra – AirDropMe
David Nosek - Feed Me Like a King
Jan Šimsa – Tahem
Dana Bartoníčková – My brain, My battle field
Eva Červená – Erory
Tomáš Predka – Dopamin
Jan Kvíz - Krev není voda aneb Bože, jak napsat text, když docházej slova
Markéta Magidová – Odložená slavnost
Václav Krůček – SHIRIN
Holzingerurbat – Start down
Martina Staňková – Triangle
Tomáš Alfery – Resuscitace podhoubí
Lenka Klodová –Intrinsecus
Václav Litvan – Lehčí než vzduch
Darina Alster – Earth Versions
Samuel Brzeski – We are in time
APL 315 – WTD?
PIMLICO – hudební performance
Kryštof Strejc – Radical Times in Paradise
Veronika Drahotová – Stupně svobody
Jake Blaschka – Chroma Key
Antonín Jirát – Completely Out of It
Zuzana Žabková –Helio x Kato
Pavel Příkaský – Strach ze tmy
Anna Slama a Marek Delong – Incentive 2
Tomáš Hrůza – Životem nahoru / Vzpomínkami dolů
Viola Fátyol – If you have a heart, what you did to me hurts you too
Mira Gáberová – Modrozelená
Filip Turek – Funkce a styl
Marek Tischler – Za klenotem do tvého nitra 2
Kryštof Kučera – Lesy jsou v ohni, řekl otec, ale vody se nevaří
Kristina Laníková a Johana Střížková – 25 vět
Výstavní blok: Fyzické sdílení (umění), Sbírka odlitků antické plastiky, host: Lenka Vacinová
Výstavní blok: Fyzické sdílení (umění), Akustika hackerspacu, host: BrmLab
Výstavní blok: Fyzické sdílení (umění), Vzdělávání pro všechny – výstava k zapůjčení, host: Marie Fulková
Výstavní blok: Nepodmíněný pohyb, Rezidenti, hosté: Petr Borkovec, Zuzana Jakalová, Michal Novotný, Matěj Smetana, Miloš Vojtěchovský
Výstavní blok: Nepodmíněný pohyb, Netahat za kratší konec provazu, host: Vojtěch Fröhlich
Petr Dub – IN-SUE-LIE14
David Přílučík – Train for Mutuality
Romana Drdová – Un Ange Passe
Katharina Swobodova (a) – Living Images
Ivan Kafka – Omšení 1982–1999
Petr Šprincl – VAJCAJ
Luis de Los Santos, Hansgrohe, Richard Nikl, BSTJ, Frances Malthouse, Birdseye, Gerhard Abel, Kim Laughton, Corawindows, Bea Fremderman, UN Recommended Box Jellyfish, Weitzer Parkett, Paul Kooiker, Ardex, Snailprocreation a další – Exhibition Sample
Anna Hulačová – Druhá, třetí a pátá říše
Martin Lukáč – Dřevo, železo a mrdání
Daniela Baráčková – Píčus
Jan Nálevka – ISO 216
Michal Cáb – 3R0RR
Matouš Lipus – Oáza
Matyáš Chochola – Všechny bytosti, která se nám neustále smějí
Tomáš Uhnák – O skvělé chuti gulbi se hovoří i v pohádkách. Jeden lakomec si je prý pověsil na strop, a zatímco jedl rýži, stačilo se mu na gulbi pouze díva
Anne-Claire Barriga – Akcelerace
Michal Czanderle – Brigáda
Alžběta Bačíková – Věž
Mara Infidelious a Kryštof Vancl – Ad nauseam
RAFANI – O novém
Nik Timková – 20%
David Krňanský – Koberec
Jana Stanulová – Sebevýklad – živý film
Daniel Pitín – Vedlejší role
Dominik Forman – Práce
Barbora Pivoňková – Jsme tu pro nás
Viktorie Valocká – Řešení problému s měsícem
Robert Šalanda – Černý pasažér
Lenka Vítková – Malá odvážná země
Roman Štětina – Popis obrazu
Martin Horák – Martin
Lucie Buchvald – Michal Kindernay – Lubomír Rothbauer – Jan Žalio: Příběhu se nevyhneš
Petr Písařík – Jeto taktak nebo tak?
Juliana Höschlová – Tančí, jak pískáš
Dušan Zahoranský – Kabinet lingvistického kroužku
Kamran Diba – Hřejivé a lidské. Lidská přítomnost v zastavěném prostředí
Jan Zdvořák – hlavní technik – Jonáš Strouhal
Martin Hrubý – Modelová situace
Eva Koťátková – Pokoj 207
Libor Uher – Modul – obraz
Alžběta Říhová – Situation Of
Hynek Vacek: V jed(z)ení
Sláva Sobotovičová, Model toho
Jan Haubelt: Pád školní židle, zátiší s lilií v čase
Vojtěch Fröhlich: Prototyp
Jiří Skála: Předzvěst č. 1 a Třetí skupina předmětů
Ondřej Reichel: Jelikož mne nikdo nezná, takže nikdo nepřijde
Andrew Gilbert: Trophies of the Savages / Trofeje divochů
Marek Meduna – Permanence
Milena Dopitová – So late, it´s early
Jiří Franta / David Böhm – Vedlejší efekt
Mark Ther – "Naši Němci" („Němci z Česka" „Deutschen aus Tschechien", „čeští Němci“ „tschechische Deutschen" oder „Tschechien-Deutschen")
Aleš Novák – Kláda
Jakub Hošek – Efekt motýlích křídel
Yumiko Ono – Zahrada
Richard Štipl – Oblivious obvious
Lubomír Typlt –Tak se může smát jen cizinec
Jiří Ptáček – Galerijní situace 1
Jiří David – Ty nejsi já ty
Josef Bolf – Death
Helena Sequensová / Adam Stanko, Vlastenka a Patriot
Jiří Kovanda – „a mohl bych ochutnat?“
Michal Pěchouček – Hodiny v umění
Ondřej Brody – Databáze
Ivan Vosecký – A já jsem největší malíř 20. století
Inna Lewinson– I love art
Jiří Černický – Neakční nemalba
Petra Herotová – 100% Blue
Marek Bureš – Všichni jsou si rovni
Petr Krátký – Best of Better
Radim Labuda – Zvednout a nést (vybrané performance podle YouTube)
Conrad Armstrong – Bold Counsel
Petr Malina – Večer se blíží
Luděk Rathouský – Úvozem
Frase Brocklehurst – Westgate story
Veronika Neumannová – Zábory
Alena Kotzmannová, Spící Kotzmann 1997-2008
Noam Darom – Babiččin průvodce: Jak ulovit kyklopa
Marie Haškovcová, Nikdo nečte (host výstavy Jiří Valoch)
Michal Panoch – Recese
Tomáš Vaněk – Particip č. 90: Sdílené povrchy
Petr Krátký (2015–2020)
Pavel Sterec (2014–2015)
Václav Magid (2012–2014)
Edith Jeřábková a Blanka Švédová (2011–2012)
Luděk Rathouský (2009–2011)
Marek Meduna a Milan Salák (2008–2009)
Galerie 207 se nacházela v budově Vysoké školy uměleckoprůmyslové v Praze.