animation, 7 days 18 hours 24 minutes 48,64 seconds, loop Sound: Michal Mariánek, Realization: Pavel Krůšek
Animation is composed of an equal number of fields, such as the number of definable in the RGB color spectrum, ie, 16 777 216. Each box is assigned an animation RGB color spectrum. RGB Spectrum is included in the animation throughout. Colors are ranked from zero values (R0, G0, B0) in absolute values (R255, G255, B255), from black to white. Individual shades are ranked in order of RGB, from red through green to blue, with the fact that all values accruing gradually from zero to absolute values. Animation works with standard video format, the number of fields (25 frames per second). The spectrum of colors / "conceivable options" runs out in 7 days 18 hours 24 minutes 48.64 seconds.