Jiří Thýn, Václav Kopecký: A Little bit of Joy from the Ashes (II), Kulturní centrum SCHULE, Kounov
Jiří Thýn, Stripe Test, Exhibition of a single work, GVUO – Ostava House of Art, Ostrava
Někdy si všimneš, curated by Sráč Sam, galerie sam84, Česká Bříza
Vincenc Makovský. Content and Form, 1900–1966, Horácká galerie v Novém Městě na Moravě
Our Heritage, Selection from the Balász-Dénes Collection, curated by Monika Mónika Zsikla, Q Contemporary, Budapest, HU
Skrze tebe, vidím sebe / Through you, I see myself, curated by Anežka Kořínková & Kateřina Sýsová, 8smička, Humpolec
Divination from a Night Sky Partially Obscured by Clouds: The Role of Photography in the Post-Media Age, curated by Jitka Hlaváčková, Prague City Gallery at the Prague House of Photography
Prepictures: Jan Svoboda & fellows, curated by Pavel Vančát, SVIT, Prague
Co-exist, SUMO exhibition, Pražský dům v Bruselu
4+4 Days in Motion: To Be Someone Else, Somewhere Else, Sometime Else, curated by Gabriela Kotiková and Denisa Václavová, former sports center Erpet, Smíchov, Prague
No Art Today? New work from the Prague City Gallery Collection, GHMP at the Municipal Library exhibition hall, Prague
Jaromír Novotný & Jiří Thýn, Galerie Ferdinand Baumann, Prague
Private and Public Spaces – A Photo-based Selection from the Balázs–Dénes Collection, FUGA – Budapest Center of Architecture, Budapest, HU
Lovelies from the Files. Sudek and Sculpture, curated by Hana Buddeus & Katarína Mašterová, Prague City Gallery at the House of Photography, Prague Light Underground, curated by Sandra Baborovská, Prague City Gallery at the House of the Stone Bell, Prague
Orient 2, curated by Michal Novotný, Kunsthalle Bratislava, SK
Tender, curated by Michal Nanoru, Czech Center in New York, USA
The Audience Has Award, curated by the Jindrich Chalupecky society, Galerie TIC, Brno
Inner Gardening, curated by Eulalie Polne & Jiří Procházka, CAMP, Prague
Quodlibet, curated by Karel Císař, hunt kastner, Prague
Tribute to the Broadcloth / Pocta suknu, curated by Emma Hanzlíková and Markéta Vinglerová, 8smička, Humpolec
hunt kastner | Bořivojova 85 | Prague 3 | Czech Republic | www.huntkastner.com | galerie@huntkastner.com
Line, part of a friend of friend cooperative gallery project, BWA Warszawa, PL Apparatus 2.0: The Unreliable Library / Nespolehlivá knihovna, Center for Contemporary Arts, Prague Conditions of impossibility III/VII: The work of Indolence, curated by Václav Magid, Galerie Kurzor in Prague
New Acquisitions from the Collections of Prague City Gallery, Prague City Gallery at the Municipal Library, Prague, 2017-8 Podmínky nemožnosti III/VII | Conditions of Impossibility III/IV, curated by Václav Magid, galerie Kurzor, Center and Foundation for Contemporary Art, Prague, 2017-8
Forms of Contemporary Sculpture – A Figurative Medium | Podoby současné plastiky – Médium figura, curated by Sandra Baborovská, Prague City Gallery, Colloredo-Mansfeld Palace, Prague
Don’t Worry Boy, curated by Karina Kottová and Tereza Jindrová, Forum Box, Helsinki, FI
Absolute Beginners, curated by Jaromír Novotný & Pavel Švec SVIT, Prague
AMIWHATIAMTHINKINGABOUT?, curated by Tomáš Svoboda and Ondřej Chrobák, 4+4 Days in Motion, kasárna Karlín, Prague
Allegory or Perils of the Present Tense, Poetry Passage 2, curated by Adam Budak, Prague National Gallery at the Trade Fair Palace, Prague
MOCP at 40, Museum of Contemporary Photography, Chicago, Ill, USA
Double Take: Drawing and Photography, Photography Gallery, London, UK
Reflex – Jam Session with Pavel Banka and Guests, Dům umění Ústí nad Labem
Apparatus for a Utopian Image, curated by Pavla Sceranková and Dušan Zahoranský, The Elizabeth Foundation for the Arts, New York, N.Y., USA
What People Do For Money, Manifesta11, curated by Christian Jankowski, Zurich, CH
On an Egg, curated by Pavel Vančat, 251 Cooper Street, Ottawa, Canada
The Hidden Language of Plants, Prague National Gallery at the Kinsky Palace, Prague
50 Years of Roudnice Gallery of Modern Art, Roudnice and Labem
The Best Tailor in Town, curated by Edith Jeřábková and Jiří Kovanda, hunt kastner, Prague
Colorless Green Ideas Sleep Furiously, curated by Markéta Stará, SYNTAX, Lisboa, PT
Poetic materialism, curated by Boris Ondreička, SODA gallery, Bratislava, SK
The Golden Age, Reminiscence of Cubism in the visual arts, curated by Petr Veselý, Dům umění, GJK, Brno
The Hand, curated by Jiří Ptáček, Galerie U Dobrého pastýře, Brno
Past, Present, Past, curated by Edith Jeřábková, Futura, Prague
Magic Still-life, work from the PPF collection, Josef Sudek Atelier, Prague
An Homage to Otto Gutfreund, Galerie Otto Gutfreund, Dvůr Králové nad Labem
VII New Zlin Salon, Zlin Regional Art Gallery, Zlín
Boogie-Woogie, curated by Áron Fenyvesi, Tráfo Gallery, Budapest, HU
Literacy / Illiteracy, curated by Maria Kjær Themsen, 16th Tallinn Print Triennial, Kumu Art Museum, Tallinn, Estonia
Crystalization, curated by Radek Čák and Martin Fišr, Blansko City Gallery
9th International Biennale of Photography and Visual Arts, curated by Jan Kratochvíl, Hynek Alt and Aleksandra Vajd, Liege, BE
Wondering Paths, curated by Markéta Stará, Platforma Revólver, Lisbon, PT
The Beginning of the Century, curated by Pavlína Morganová, Ostrava Regional Gallery, Ostrava
Začátek století / The Beginning of the Century, Dům umění, Ostrava
Prague Biennale Photo 3: Photography, Reconstructed / Rekonstrukce fotografie (Prague Biennale 6), Nákladové nádraží Žižkov, Praha
Pavel Baňka: Jejich fotografie, Galerie 1. patro, Praha
Země se otáčí a vše z ní sklouzává / The Earth Turns And All Things Slip Away, hunt kastner artworks, Praha
Cena Jindřicha Chalupeckého 2012, Dům pánů z Kunštátu, Brno
Katie Holten / Jiří Thýn, Centrum pro současné umění FUTURA, Praha 5
Začátek století / The Beginning of the Century, Výstavní síň Masné krámy, Plzeň
Ostrovy odporu: Mezi první a druhou moderností 1985 -2012, Veletržní palác, Praha
Uchronie aneb Příběhy ze sbírky, Francouzský institut v Praze (Institut francais de Prague), Praha
Cena Jindřicha Chalupeckého 2011, DOX, Centrum současného umění / Centre for Contemporary Art, Praha 7
Sculpture in the Street III, curated by Karel Císář, organized by DUMB: Brno House of Art, streets and public spaces in Brno, CZ (Jun 4- Aug 28)
6th New Zlín Salon, Zlín Regional Gallery, Zlin, CZ
Skutr III, 3rd Biennale of Young Artists, curated by Vladimír Beskid, Kopplova Villa GJK, Trnava, SK
Turned Down, Wannieck Gallery, Brno, CZ
Mutating Medium, Photography in Czech Art 1990-2010, curated by Pavel Vančat, Galerie Rudofinum, Prague, CZ
The Waste Land, tranzitdisplay, Praha
Po Skú3, Východoslovenská galéria, Košice
And Don’t Forget the Flowers, curated by Yvona Ferencová, Moravian Gallery, Brno, CZ ParisPhoto, hunt kastner, Paris, FR
Ears Like Loops, curated by Edita Jeřabková, Zona sztuki aktualnej, Lodz, PL 7th Biennale of Young Artists, curated by Tomas Pospiszyl, Prague City Gallery, House of the Stone Bell, Prague, CZ
Ego / Portrait x Photography, curated by Robert Novák & Pavel Turek, Langhans Gallery, Prague, CZ
The Collectors, The Czechoslovak Pavilion, curated by Lucia Drdová & Martin Mazánec, Brot Kunsthalle, Vienna, AU HotLine, curated by Jan Zalesák, Vaclav Špála Gallery, Prague, CZ
Dividing Line, curated by Jiří Machalicky, NoD Experimental Space, Prague, CZ
50% Grey: Contemporary Czech Photography Reconsidered, MoCP – Museum of Contemporary Photography, curated by Karel Císář & Karen Irvine, Chicago, IL, USA
Everyday(s), curated by Fabienne Bernadini and An Schlitz, Casino Luxembourg, forum d’art contemporain, Luxembourg
Art To Date, curated by Zuzana Štefková, NoD Experimental Space, Prague, CZ
After Velvet, curated by Sandra Baborovská & Karel Srp, Prague City Gallery at the House of the Golden Ring, Prague, CZ
Po sametu, GHMP, Praha
Something of Myself: 23 autoportrétů, Hunt Kastner Artworks, Praha
Reversed Harmony, GASK Art Fest, Kutná Hora
Historická práce, Galerie Václava Špály, Praha
White Paper Black Bride, PRAGUE BIENALE 4, Praha
Psychologie budoucnosti, Galerie AM 180, Praha
Cargo, Moskva
Gallery by Night, Studio of Young Artist, Budapešť
Tichá dohoda, Galerie Šternberk, Šterberk
Obrazy slov, letohrádek Hvězda, Praha
Současný český kubismus, GHMP, Staroměstská radnice, Praha
Vylepšený model, kulhavý efekt, Roxy/NoD, Praha
Glocal Outsiders, PRAGUE BIENALE 3, Praha
Šestka/Šest českých fotografických škol, PHP, Praha
I Don’t Wanna Talk, České centrum, Moskva
ÚČEL, galerie AVU, (se skupinou Ládví), Praha
INDIKACE,4+4 dny v pohybu, Praha
THIS POINT…, Preproduction Gallery Berlin-Weding, Berlín
Land Locked, Well Gallery, London College of Communication, Londýn
Věcné stavy, Karlin Studios, Praha
Udělali jsme téměř všechno, Entrance Gallery (s D. Langem), Praha
Zahrada, 6. ročník fotografického festivalu Funkeho Kolín
Enviromental, Galerie AM 180 (s D. Skalou)
VOYEUR (Iniciativa pro fotografii, vizuální kulturu a životní styl), VŠUP
NO.7 Design blok botel Neptun, ve spolupráci s organizací Tranzit , Praha
1+1, Galerie Jelení (s A. Svobodovou), Praha
COMPRESSION, Berlin-Wedding, ve spolupráci s Galerií Display
IN/OUT, Festival Digitálního obrazu, Praha
BROUMOVSKé DVORKY (umění ve veřejném prostoru)
VěříME, Galerie 1 VŠUP, Praha
Konfrontace, PHP/ Pražský dům fotografie, Praha
A sakra!, Galerie VŠUP, Praha