Spoluzakladatel Silveru, realizačního týmu působícího na poli nových médií, především virtuální reality, internetového umění, interaktivních zvukových instalací a softwarového umění. V poslední době jej zajímají technologické možnosti a využití mobilního telefonu a kolaborativní strategie coby způsob posunování hranic umění.
Petr Svárovský
1997 MFA in New Media Arts, Academy of Fine Arts, Prague
1988 MA Faculty of Education, Charles University, Prague
2009 External assessor for Kjetil Austvoll-Dahlgren’s project evaluation, The Oslo
School of Architecture and Design, Oslo, Norway
2007 Present: Lecturer, Oslo National Academy of the Arts, Faculty of Visual Arts, Academy of Fine Arts, Oslo, Norway
2006-2007 Substitute (vikar) for Professor of Intermedia (New Media), Oslo
National Academy of the Arts, Faculty of Visual Arts, Academy of Fine Arts, Oslo, Norway
2006 Advisor for Jiri Vycital’s MA thesis, Faculty of Fine Arts, Brno University of Technology, Brno, Czech Republic
2003-2006 Lecturer, Oslo National Academy of the Arts, Faculty of Visual Arts, Academy of Fine Arts, Oslo, Norway
1998-2003 Assistant Lecturer / System Administrator in New Media department of Academy of Fine Arts, Prague, Czech Republic
1998-2000 Manager of New Media Lab of Soros Center of Contemporary Art, Prague, Czech Republic
1990-1998 Animator, visual supervisor, art advisor in TV NOVA, RealTime Technology, Trimedia, Frame, Expert Service, Czech TV, Avion Postproduction as., Prague, Czech Republic, Munich, Germany
1988 – 1990: Teacher in Basic School of Arts, Prague, Czech Republic
Freedom Experience, Fine Art Training and the European Higher Education Area, ISBN 978-84-8363-433-2, vol. 1 (ISBN 978-84-8363-434-9), p. 326 - 333
Olivier, Julian Be My Controller, opening up the urban, button by button, Neural, issue 30, page 38
Sedlák, Pavel Nové umění z kráteru, A2, 40/2008
Andersson, Cat Flirtující software (interview with Petr Svarovsky), A2, 40/2008
Homo Ludens Ludens catalogue, page 404, ISBN 978-84-612-4141-S
Enter 3, International Festival for Art, Science and New Technologies, catalogue
Goodbye Privacy, Ars Electronica catalogue, ISBN 978-3-7757-2025-0, p. 278
Think with the Senses – Feel with the Mind, Venice Biennale catalogue,page 264, ISBN 978-88-317-9256
Mobile Troops
Contemporary Collection - Czech Art in the ´90s, City gallery Prague, Prague (texts by Olga Malá, Miroslav Petříček jr., Karel Srp)
Marta Smolíková, Virtuální fiktivní realita (interview with Silver), in. Atelier 10/1997, issue 2, page 12
Havránek, Silver a stíny plamenů, in. Atelier 10/1997, issue 2, page 12
Silver Shadows of Flames / Stíny plamenů, City Gallery Prague, Prague (texts by Silver, Marta Smolíková, Karel Srp, Miloš Vojtěchovský)
Ars Electronica catalogue
Orbis Fictus, eds. Marta Smolíková, Ludvík Hlaváček, Prague
Jiří Zemánek, Sirénés Petra Svárovského, in. Atelier 6/1993, issue 25, page 5
Amnesty Interface, Abandon Normal Devices, STATIC, Liverpool, UK ***
series of subversive public interventions in streets and institutions (incl.
Edinburgh Fringe Festival, Tate Modern in London or Nuart festival in Stavanger)***
Here We Are, There We Go, NIMk, Amsterdam, Netherlands ***
Homo Ludens Ludens, Laboral, Gijon, Spain***
Enter 3 Multimediale, various places, Prague, Czech Republic **
Mutamorphosis, Municipal Library, Prague, Czech Republic **
Overtures, Elgiz Museum of Contemporary Art, Istanbul, Turkey, 2007**
Simple Living, The Contemporary Art Gallery of the Brukenthal Museum, Sibiu, Romania, 2007*
Ars Electronica, Linz, Austria**
Mobile Journey, 52nd Venice Biennale, Venice, Italy**
Academy in Exile, UKS, Oslo, Norway*
Paradoxien des Öffentlichen, Duisburg, Germany*
Interface and Society, Hennie Onstad Kultursenter, Oslo, Norway*
Summer Destruction Show, Seilduken, Oslo, Norway*
Sell Out, UKS, Oslo, Norway*
FILE Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil*
FILE Hypersonica, Sao Paolo, Brazil*
FILE Festival, Sao Paolo, Brazil*
Objectually Speaking, Futura, Prague, Czech Republic*
Night of the Arts/Konstens natt, _Platform_, Vaasa, Sweden*
Pas vu, pas pris, Paris, France*
INSIDEOUT, Aktions galerie, Berlin, Germany*
Weird Screen, Moni Lazariston, Thessaloniki, Greece*
POLITIK-UM, Prague Castle, Prague, Czech Republic*
Media@terra, Athens – Lavrion – Sofia – Belgrade – Maribor – Osnabrueck- Frankfurt*
Accrochage 2001, Jiri Svestka Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic*
Bohemian Birds, Dresdner Bank, Frankfurt, Germany*
Bohemian Birds, Kunst Haus Dresden, Dresden, Germany*
Laboratory of Contemporary Art, National Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic*
Enter Multimediale, Prague, Czech Republic*
End of The World?, National Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic*
Young Czech Art, Gallery Barakk, Berlin, Germany*
Victoria, National Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic*
Silver, Backspace, London, UK*
CZ ’99, Prague, Czech Republic*
LIMBO 2, Plasy, Czech Republic*
Laterne Magique, La Laiterie, Strasbourg, France*
Art in Public Space, Various spaces, Prague, Czech Republic*
SEAFair ’98, Skopje, Macedonia*
Reduced Budget, Manes, Prague, Czech Republic*
Art in Public Space, National Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic*
Selest Art ’97, F.R.A.C., Selestat, France*
Shadows of Flames, City Gallery Prague, Prague, Czech Republic*
Hi-Tech Art, House of Arts, Brno, Czech Republic*
Dawn of Magicians? , National Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic*
Interior vs Exterior, SCSU, Bratislava, Slovakia*
Orbis Fictus, National Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic*
Kunst im Werk, Siemens, Amberg, Germany*
Hi-Tech Art, Gallery of Brno Town, Brno, Czech Republic*
Hermit ’95 – Meridian’s Crossing, Plasy, Czech Republic*
Test Run, Manes, Prague, Czech Republic*
Festival FAMU, Theatre Archa, Prague, Czech Republic*
Zvon ’94, G.h.m.P., Prague, Czech Republic*
Hermit ’94 – Transparent Messenger, Plasy, Czech Republic*
Young European Art, M.O.C., Munchen, Germany
Sirenes, Nova Sin, Prague, Czech Republic
*) jako Silver
**) jako Silver a Hanne Rivrud
***) jako Silver a True
Ceny, granty:
2009 KHiO, FoU grant
2009 OCA, International Support
2008 Art Council Norway, Art and New Technology
2006 Art Council Norway, Art and New Technology
1996 Ars Electronica ’96: Honorary Mention in the cathegory "Interactive Arts"
1995 Soros Center for Contemporary Art, Art and New Technology Grant
Young & Sound, CIANT Gallery, ENTER – 4th International Art / Science / Technology Festival, Prague, Czech Republic
Flirtman & Comp., project presentation, Narrative Strategies in Digital Arts, GRIG, University of Oslo, Oslo School of Architecture & Design
Northern Sound, CIANT Gallery, ENTER – 4th International Art / Science / Technology Festival, Prague, Czech Republic
Flirtman, project presentation, Atelier Nord (at Oslo Central Station), Oslo
project presentation, Art Claiming The Urban Void, Urban Interface, Fabrikken, Oslo
Freedom Experience, Fine Art Training and the European Higher Education Area, Valencia, Spain
Trolley Singers, project presentation, Atelier Nord
Teaching program presentation, Music Technology Days, University of Oslo, NOTAM
Virtual Soundscapes, work presentation, NOTAM, Oslo
RESIDENT, project presentation, New Media Symposium, Goethe Institut, Prague
Kolaborativní projekty:
Flirtman: together with True Solvang Vevatne
Concept, coordination, programming, design Oslo
SellYourRolex: together with True Solvang Vevatne
Concept, coordination, programming, design
Intrigue E: together with Hanne Rivrud
Concept, coordination
Linz, Istanbul
Visitor Beta: together with Hanne Rivrud
Concept, coordination
Intrigue: together with Hanne Rivrud
Concept, coordination
Duisburg, Prague
TrolleySingers: together with Atelier Nord and Henrik Sundt
Mobile Troops: together with Laura Beloff and students from Art Academy,
Oslo, coordination, contribution
Airquarium; together with Laura Beloff and students from Art Academy, Oslo
and Jin Jiangbo, Shanghai.
Coordination, programming.
Shanghai, Oslo
Eye; together with Laura Beloff and students from Art Academy, Oslo and Jin
Jiangbo, Shanghai.
Coordination, programming.
Shanghai, Oslo
Marek Chalupa: MegaStasis
Software for interactive growing architecture.
Software concept, programming, interface.
Robert Ellman: Friction
Virtual sets, postproduction, visual supervision of special effects
Czech TV, various film festivals
Silencer: Tokyoman 1.02
3D model, animation, postproduction, visual supervision
Michael Bielicky: Delvaux’s Dream
3D model, textures, sounds
ZKM, Karlsruhe
Národní galerie v Praze
Galerie hlavního města Prahy
Artcircolo (společně s Vodafone R&D Group)
soukromé sbírky