Evžen Sobek


Majitel a pedagog Fotoškoly Brno, externí pedagog Institutu tvůrčí fotografie Filozoficko-přírodovědecké fakulty Slezské univerzity v Opavě. Pracuje jako fotograf ve svobodném povolání. Kurátor fotografické glaerie FOMA v Brně (1999 – 2001) a Galerie Artistů v Brně (od 2005), organizátor mezinárodní fotografické soutěže FRAME (od 2005).

Kromě raných experimentálních prací s technikou fotogramu se věnuje systematicky dokumentu – do sociálně zaměřené dokumentární fotografie blízké tvobě J. Štreita (snímky ze života premonstrátů v klášteře v Želivě – soubor Konvent (1993 – 1994) nebo Lidé Hlučínska 90. let 20. století (1994 – 1995) se postupně přesouval k mnohoznačnějším obrazovým sdělením – Rómové ve městě Brně (1998 – 1999). Jeho dosavadní tvorba vyvrcholila v subjektivních dokumentárních snímcích řazených do souboru Ecce homo a vytvářených postupně od roku 1999 v České republice, Francii, Portugalsku a Izraeli.

V posledních letech vytváří především barevný dokumentární soubor fotografií z České republiky – Má vlast.


M.Sc., CAD Design, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Technology Brno, Czech Republic
M.A., Creative photography, Institute of Creative Photography, Philosophical Faculty, Silesian University Opava, Czech Republic

Monografie, katalogy, publikace

Who is Who in Czech Republic, Zurich

Life in Blue - catalogue acompanying the exhibition, Brno
Old Age - Foundation of Tatana Kucharova Callender 2009, Praha
Second Cities, catalogue of the project's presentation, Kosice

Second Cities - Photo Project, www.2ndcities.net, Košice
Greenpeace Czech Republic Callender 2008, Brno
Po meste, jez je mi souzeno - Brnenska zakouti v poezii, Weles, Brno

Theory of Photography of the Czech Photographic Avantgarde, Master degree diploma work published as lecture notes, Institute of Creative Photography, Opava

Czech Photography of the 20th Century - Guide, Museum of Aplied Arts Prague, Kant, Praha

Photobiennale 2004 – Cinquiéme Mois International de la Photographie á Moscou, Moscow
Ecce Homo, catalogue acompanying the exhibition in Leica Gallery Prague, Brno
CHOICE - Credit Suisse Masterclass Portfolio, Cultural Exchange Foundation, Washington

Institute of Creative Photography - Diploma and Final Portfolios 1998 - 2003, Institute of Creative Photography of Silesian University, Opava
Photographs by the Next Generation: Young Portfolio, Kiyosato Museum of Photograpfic Arts, Kiyosato
Czech and Slovak Photography of the 1980s and 1990s, Olomouc Museum of Art, Olomouc
Who is Who in the Czech republic 2002, Praha
My point of view - Leica photographic diary 2003, Leica AG, Solms
Backlight02, Museum Centre Vapriiki, Tampere

Ecce Homo, Galeria Velryba and FAMU, Praha
Das BildForum, 6. Internationale Fototage ,Herten
Das Jahrzehnt, Internationaler Preis fur jungen Bildjournalismus 1991 - 2001, BildForum and Agfa, Leverkusen
Love - a celebration of humanity, M.I.L.K. publishing limited, New York
Ecce Homo, catalogue acompanying the exhibition in MiO Gallery, Osaka, Brno

MiO Photo Award, MiO Gallery, Osaka
SCRIPTUM - magazine for literature, arts and life, Olomouc

People of Hlučín Region in 1990s, Institute of Creative Photography of Silesian University, Opava
Ecce Homo - Photographs by Evžen Sobek, Institute of Creative Photography of Silesian University, Opava

Na rozhraní - Grenzbereiche, Galerie Salzstadel, Regensburg

Jiné kritické texty

Pospěch, Tomáš: Dokument, jenž se hrdě vznáší. Ateliér, 2001, č. 7, s. 6.

Samostatné výstavy

Hidden Landscapes, Reich Steinhof, Poysdorf
Life in Blue, Galerie Zluta Ponorka, Znojmo

Life in Blue, Galerie Artistů, Brno
Home Sweet Home, Galerie113, Bialystok
Life in Blue, Home Sweet Home, Galerie Opera, Ostrava
Gypsies in Brno City, Galerie auf der Pawlatsche, Wien
Gypsies in Brno City, ONE WORLD documentary movies festival, Zlin

War?, GM Gallery, Pardubice

Ecce Homo, Leica Gallery Prague, Prague

Ecce Homo, French Cultural Institute, Amman
Ecce Homo, Leica Gallery, Solms
Ecce Homo, Galerie Artistů, Brno
Ecce Homo, Summer Cultural Festival, Boskovice

Ecce Homo, Fiducia Gallery, Ostrava
Ecce Homo, Many Gallery, Tel Aviv

Ecce Homo, Velryba Gallery, Prague
Ecce Homo, MiO Gallery, Osaka
Ecce Homo, Das BildForum, 6. Internationale Fototage, Herten
Ecce Homo, Aero Gallery, Prague

Sun and Shadow, Ambit Gallery, Praha
Ecce Homo, Zvíkov castle Gallery, Zvíkov
Ecce Homo, Fotogalerie Migros, Thun

Gypsies in Brno City – second chapter, Gallery Špilar, Brno
Ecce Homo, FOMA Gallery, Brno
Ecce Homo, Moravian-Silesian National Theatre – Theatre of Jiří Myron, Ostrava

Gypsies in Brno City, New Town Hall, Brno

Skupinové výstavy

CHOICE Choice, Fotografic Gallery, Prague
Humor or Irony, Galerie 2piR, Poznan
Second Cities Project, Fotogalerie in Grazer Rathaus, Graz
Tschechische Fotografie des 20. Jahrhunderts, Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Bonn
Czech It, Space Gallery, Pittsburgh
Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Fotografia. Festival Internazionale di Roma VIII.edizione

Czech Press Photo, Old Townhall, Prague
Contemporary Czech Photography, PDNB Burt Finger Gallery, Dallas
Kaunas Photo08, Kaunas
Second Cities, Kosice
Who doesn’t know history has no future, Leica Gallery Prague, Prague

CHARTA77, Czech Centers, Budapest, ( Budapest, Warsaw, Wien)
Second Cities – Photo Project, Košice
We live here, House of Arts, Opava

Choice, Puffin Cultural Forum, New Jersey
CHOICE – photo agency, Month of Photography, Bratislava

Czech Photography of 20th Century, Městská knihovna, Galerie hlavního města Prahy, Prague
Backlight05, Museum Center Vapriikki, Tampere
National Museum of Photography Collection, Congres Centre of Czech National Bank, Prague

City in Contemporary Czech Documentary Photography, Fotobienale / Month of Photography,
Museum of Russian History,Moscow
M.I.L.K. Exhibition, Las Vegas

M.I.L.K. Exhibition, Waitemata Plaza, Auckland
Contemporary Czech Documentary Photography, Opera Gallery, Ostrava

Junge tschechische Kunst, Kulturabteilung Bayer, Leverkusen
Photographs by the Next Generation: Young Portfolio, Kiyosato Museum of Photographic Arts, Kiyosato
Being Black, Archa Theatre, Prague
Czech and Slovak photography of the 1980s and 1990s, Olomouc Museum of Art, Olomouc
Backlight02, Museum Centre Vapriikki, Tampere
Czech Documentary Photography, Leica Gallery, New York

M.I.L.K. Exhibition, Vanderbilt Hall, Grand Central Station, New York
Talentinum, Center of Czech Photography, Prague
Das BildForum, 6. Internationale Fototage, Herten
M.I.L.K. Exhibition, Museum of Science, London
Czech Press Photo, Old Town Hall, Prague

Gypsies in the Czech republic, Brussels
MiO Photo Award, MiO Gallery, Osaka

Another World?, House of Arts, Opava
Czech Press Photo, Old Town Hall, Prague

New names, Prague House of Photography, Prague
The Studio of Jindřich Štreit, Uherské Hradiště, Cheb, Košice, Cieszyn
On the Edge, Salzstadel Gallery, Regensburg, Český Krumlov, Augsburg
Contemporary Czech Documentary Photography, Fotogalerie Migros, Thun

Další realizace

Advertising Campaign for Hospise in Rajhrad, Rajhrad, Czech Republic
Marta Dohnalova fashion – leading Czech fashion designer catalogue

2005 – 2007
Photographic stories for BLUE SKY – Sky Europe Airlines inflight Magazine covering flight destinations in Europe

photographs for ENGLISH PAGES 2 – documentary film by Marek Sklář, Czech Television

Zastoupení ve sbírkách

Collection of Union of Czech Photographers, Prague
Kiyosato Museum of Photographic Arts, Kiyosato
Moravian Gallery, Brno
Museum of Aplied Arts, Prague
Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
Museum of Romany Culture, Brno
National Museum of Photography, Jindřichův Hradec
School of Visual Arts, Osaka
private collections in Europe, Israel, Japan and USA
